Exclusive partnership system
The partnership system of IPM Tech Hub
IPM Tech Hub is a closed partnership ecosystem that builds its membership on the basis of internal referrals. Only a handful of companies get access to the Hub, we only accept companies that show clear potential for business expansion in Slovenia, Central Europe or the Western Balkans. Even though the partnerships are exclusive, any company can request a suitability assessment and our experts will decide if you are a good fit for our ecosystem.
Our services
Data collection / Research conduction
Use data for business excellence!
We understand the importance of data and the competitive advantage it represents. That is why we conduct our own as well as tailor made research.
Mednarodno poslovno mreženje & delegacije
Osebni pristop do širjenja poslovanja!
Kontakti, mreženje in osebni pristop so ključni za uspešen nastop na ciljnem trgu. Zato za naše naročnike pripravljamo in izvajamo različne (mednarodne) dogodke in gospodarske delegacije z namenom mreženja.
International business networking & delegations
A personal approach to business expansion!
Contacts, networking and a personal approach are key for a successful market entry in any international market. This is why we organize and carry out different (international) events for our clients, as well as business delegations intended for networking.
Business accelerator
A partner makes things is easier
The most difficult stage of entering a foreign market are the elementary activities needed to start an international operation. From beginning business activities to sales activities IPM Tech Hub aids its partners in all key stages of international market entry.
Alokacija kadrov
S pravimi ljudmi lahko dosežete presežek!
Za uspešen začetek poslovanja na ciljnem trgu so ključni kvalitetni kadri. IPM Tech Hub vam kot partnerju omogoča dostop do širokega bazena kadrov in vam svetuje pri izbiri pravega.
Ob vstopu na tuji trg je pogosto glavni izziv podjetji vzpostavitev osnovnih aktivnosti, začetek poslovanja in prodaje. IPM Tech Hub deluje kot ključni partner, ki za naročnika olajša vse naštete aktivnosti.
Talent acquisition
The right people, for the right position!
A good local team can be a key ingredient for successful market entry. That is why we offer our partners access to a broad pool of talents and advise them in choosing the correct one.
Other IPM Group services
A wide array of services in one place
Upon becoming a partner in IPM Tech Hub, our clients get exclusive deals and conditions for working with all entities within IPM Group.